Flowflex COVID-19 rapid test kits distributed recalled by manufacturer Press release from Orange County. Any questions contact Supervisor Meyers office at 845-563-4610. January 14, 2022 By Danyelle Barrett General 0 Comment Read More >>
Deferred Payment Agreements - Water Customers TOWN OF NEW WINDSOR WATER DEPARTMENT 555 Union Avenue New Windsor, NY 12553 UPDATED JANUARY 2022 NOTICE TO NEW WINDSOR WATER DEPARTMENT RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS, NON-RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS THAT SERVE RESIDENTIAL PREMISES, AND SMALL BUSINESS CUSTOMERS (THOSE WITH LESS THAN 25 EMPLOYEES) If you are a residential customer, non-residential customer that serves residential premises, or small business water customer who has experienced a change in financial circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic, thereby affecting your ability to pay your water bill, you can self-certify your financial hardship and enter into a Deferred Payment Agreement (“DPA”) until June 30, 2022. This will allow you to pay your pastdue bills over time and avoid a lien being placed on your property for failure to pay. No down payment is required; no late fees or penalties will be assessed; and arrears included in the DPA shall not be the basis for disconnection, nor serve as the basis for any lien action. A copy of the required forms can be obtained by clicking on the links below: Self-Certification – Residential Customer Self-Certification – Non-Residential Customer Serving Residnetial Premises Self-Certification – Small Business Customer Deferred Payment Agreement These forms must be submitted to the Water Department either in person at the address listed above, or sent by mail to the address listed above, or sent by email to [email protected]. If you need further assistance regarding your bill, please call us at (845) 563-4627. January 7, 2022 By Danyelle Barrett General 0 Comment Read More >>
Supervisor Meyers advises that the New Windsor waives property tax exemption renewal requirement for Senior Citizens and Disabled Individuals Supervisor Meyers advises that the New Windsor waives property tax exemption renewal requirement for Senior Citizens and Disabled Individuals On January 6, 2022, the New Windsor Town Board passed a resolution waiving the renewal application requirement for Low Income Senior Citizens and Individuals with Disabilities with Limited Income. This option was allowed by a recently issued Executive Order by Governor Hochul. The goal is to protect these people from having to file the applications with the Assessor’s Office due to Covid. For the next tax cycle. these individuals will receive the same exemption at the same percentages that they received last year without having to file the renewal applications. This same Resolution was also passed last year. Veterans Property Tax Exemption- New York State moves back the commencement date for the Vietnam War. The State of New York recently amended the commencement date of the Vietnam War from February 28, 1961, to November 1, 1955. Certain veterans may now qualify for a greater exemption. Veterans that had been receiving a Cold War exemption may now qualify for having served during a period of war. The Town of New Windsor Assessor’s Office will be sending a letter to those property owners that are currently receiving a Cold War Veterans exemption to inform them they may benefit from this change and should look into filing for the Alternative Veterans exemption. The next exemption filing deadline is March 1st, 2022. January 6, 2022 By John McDonald General 0 Comment Read More >>