5 March Lake Road Bridge Project Update March 5, 2020 By Patrick Mangan General 0 Lake Road Bridge Project: Contractor anticipates spring start up to commence March 23, 2020. The projected completion date is: June 30, 2020. These dates are subject to change due to supply or weather delays. Related Articles Lake Road Bridge Reopened as of June 16 The construction of the bridge on Lake Road has been completed and the road is reopened as of this morning. Advertisement for Bids - Lake Road Culvert Replacement ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Receipt of Bids: Sealed Bids on forms prepared by the Engineer will be received by the Town of New Windsor until 11:00 AM (local time) on 29 September 2022 for the Lake Road Culvert Replacement in accordance with the Drawings, Specifications, and other Contract Documents prepared by MHE Engineering, D.P.C., 33 Airport Center Drive, Suite 202, New Windsor, New York 12553. Bids will be publicly opened and read at 11:00 AM (local time) on 29 September 2022 at the offices of the Town of New Windsor Town Clerk, 555 Union Avenue, New Windsor, NY 12553. The Information for Bidders, Drawings, Specifications and other Contract Documents maybe examined at no expense on line by contacting MHE at (845) 567-3100 or email same at [email protected]. Digital copies of the Contract Documents will be available on 9 September 2022. Said copies may be obtained online as a download from a secure File Share link, upon receipt of a non-refundable Fifty Dollar ($50.00) fee, paid by check made payable to MHE Engineering, D.P.C. For further information on how to obtain the Contract Documents, please call MHE at (845) 567-3100 or email same at [email protected]. Only persons whose name and address are on the official record of having obtained the Contract Documents will be permitted to bid and issued the Addendums, if any. Complete hardcopy sets of bidding documents are available upon special request for an additional fee. Each bid shall be accompanied by an acceptable form of Bid Guarantee in an amount equal to at least five (5) percent of the amount of the Bid payable to the Town of New Windsor as a guarantee that if the Bid is accepted, the Bidder will, within fifteen (15) days after the award of the Contract, execute the Contract and file acceptable Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bonds and Certificate(s) of Insurance. OWNERS RIGHTS RESERVED: The Town of New Windsor, hereinafter called the Owner, reserves the right to reject any or all Bids and to waive any informality or technicality in any Bid in the interest of the Owner. STATEMENT OF NON-COLLUSION: Bidders on Contracts are required to execute a non-collusive bidding affidavit pursuant to Section 103d of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. IRAN DIVESTMENT ACT: By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of its knowledge and belief, each bidder is not on the list created pursuant to paragraph (b) of subdivision 3 of section 165-a of the State Finance Law. Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirement as to conditions of employment to be observed and the minimum wage rates to be paid under the Contract (Section 3, Segregated Facilities, Section 109) and Executive Order 11246. Bidders are also required to comply with the provisions of Section 291-299 of the Executive Law of the State of New York. No bidder may withdraw his bid within forty-five (45) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. Subject to the provisions of Article 28, Part III of the New York State Tax Law and the provisions of the Contract Documents, the Owner is exempt from payment of sales and compensating use taxes of the State of New York, and cities and counties, on all materials supplied to the Owner pursuant to this contract. The Town of New Windsor hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the ground of race, gender, color or national origin in consideration of an award. BY ORDER OF THE Town of New Windsor MHE Engineering, D.P.C. 33 Airport Center Drive, Suite 202 New Windsor, New York 12553 (845)567-3100 By: Kelly Allegra Town of New Windsor Town Clerk Date: 9 September 2022 "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER" Abstract of Bond Resolution - Lakeside Drive Culvert Replacement Project Abstract of Bond Resolution - Lakeside Drive Culvert Replacement Project 30 Day Public Notice Review and Comment Update Hazard Mitigation Plan TOWN OF NEW WINDSOR TOWN BOARD NOTICE OF THIRTY (30) DAY PUBLIC REVIEW AND COMMENT PERIOD FOR THE ADOPTION OF AN UPDATE TO TOWN-WIDE HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN The Town of New Windsor is preparing an update of their previously adopted 2016 Hazard Mitigation Plan. This update to the Plan allows the Town to remain eligible for future Federal and New York State mitigation and disaster funding. Public notice is hereby given that the Town of New Windsor Town Board is soliciting public review and comment on its Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan for a period of thirty (30) days commencing on January 15, 2021 and continuing through February 15, 2021. The Town Board has therefore directed the Town Clerk to post a complete copy of the Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan on the Town of New Windsor’s website at: www.newwindsor-ny.gov for public review and comment. In addition, a complete copy of the Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan is on file and available for inspection in the Town Clerk’s Office located at the Town of New Windsor Town Hall, 555 Union Avenue, New Windsor, New York 12553. Current Town Hall business hours are, by appointment only, Monday through Friday, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Town of New Windsor Town Board is holding a public hearing on the draft Plan at its March 3, 2021 Town Board Meeting at 555 Union Avenue, New Windsor, New York 12553, at 7:00 p.m. Due to public health and safety concerns related to COVID-19 and in accordance with Executive Orders issued by the Governor of the State of New York, the Town intends to conduct this hearing remotely. Please check the Town’s website and Facebook page prior to the Public Hearing for updates, which may be necessary due to a lifting of the Governor’s Executive Order. If conducted remotely, the public can view the hearing on the Town’s official Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/NewWindsorNY/) or listen by telephone. Information on how to listen by telephone will be posted before the meeting on the Town’s website at http://newwindsor-ny.gov/New-Windsor-Connect/Online-Meetings (a link to this page can also be found on the top right hand side of the Town’s homepage at http://newwindsor-ny.gov/). Any member of the public that wants to be heard regarding the Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan may email questions or comments, before or during the hearing, to [email protected]. Every effort will also be made to give the public the opportunity to participate in the hearing via videoconference. Instructions on how to participate will be posted before the hearing on the Town’s Facebook page and on the Town’s website, at the web address listed above. The Town Board and the Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee are inviting input on the Plan from surrounding municipalities and all interested parties. All persons wishing to be heard will be given the opportunity to speak at the public hearing, in accordance with above protocols, or may submit written comments to: [email protected] on or before March 3, 2021. Notice Public Hearing: Comprehensive Master Plan Update March 10, 2021 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF NEW WINDSOR LOCAL LAW AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 300 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF NEW WINDSOR ENTITLED “ZONING” AND AMENDMENT OF ZONING MAP IN FURTHERANCE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TOWN’S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of New Windsor will hold a public hearing at a Special Town Board Meeting on the 10th day of March, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in Town Hall, 555 Union Avenue, New Windsor, New York, to consider a Local Law entitled “A Local Law Amending Chapter 300 of the Code of the Town of New Windsor entitled “Zoning” and to Amend the Zoning Map in Furtherance of the Implementation of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan Update.” Said proposed Local Law furthers recommendations made in the Town’s draft Comprehensive Plan Update, includes modifications to its AP, CL-2, PI and R-1 bulk tables, and anticipates rezoning the following parcels within the Town of New Windsor: Town tax map parcels identified as 56-1-22.32 and 56-1-20 shall be rezoned so they are fully within the R-1 zone; Town tax map parcels 26-1-1.1, 26-1-1.2, 40-2-8 and 44-1-14 shall be rezoned from R-5 to R-4; Tax map parcels 29-1-20.31, 29-1-20.32, 29-1-91.22, 29-1-92.22, 29-1-93, 31-3-1, 31-3-2, 31-3-3, 31-3-4.2, 31-3-7, 31-3-8, 31-3-9, 31-3-10, 31-4-1, 31-4-2, 31-4-3, 31-4-4, 31-4-5, 31-4-6, 31-4-7, 31-4-8, 31-4-9, 31-4-10, 31-4-11, 31-4-12, 31-4-13 and 31-4-14 shall be rezoned from OLI to R-1 Town tax map parcels 4-1-31.22 and 4-1-26.2 shall be rezoned from R-5 to R-4; Town tax map parcels 100-1-1, 100-1-2, 100-1-3, 100-1-4, 100-1-5, 100-1-6, 100-1-7, 100-1-32, 100-1-33, 100-1-34, 100-1-35, 100-1-36, 100-1-37, 100-1-38, 100-1-39, 100-1-40, 100-1-41, 100-1-42, 100-1-43, 100-1-44, 100-1-45, 100-1-46, 100-1-47, 100-1-48, 100-1-49, 100-1-50, 100-1-51, 100-1-52, 100-1-53, 100-1-54, 100-1-55, 100-1-56, 100-1-57, 100-1-58, 100-1-59, 100-1-60, 100-1-61, 100-1-62, 100-1-63, 100-1-64, 100-1-65, 100-1-66, 100-1-90, 100-1-92, 100-1-93, 100-1-94 and 100-1-96.2 shall be rezoned to CL-2; and Town tax parcel 95-1-21 shall be rezoned from R-3 to Parks. The hearing will be held on March 10, 2021 at 7:00 p.m., however, due to public health and safety concerns related to COVID-19 and in accord with Executive Orders issued by the Governor of the State of New York, the Town intends to conduct this hearing remotely, with board members participating via videoconferencing technology from various locations. Please check the Town’s website and Facebook page prior to the Public Hearing for updates, which may be necessary due to a lifting of the Governor’s Executive Orders. If conducted remotely, the public will be able to view the hearing on the Town’s official Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/NewWindsorNY/) or listen by telephone. Information on how to listen by telephone will be posted before the meeting on the Town’s website at http://newwindsor-ny.gov/New-Windsor-Connect/Online-Meetings (a link to this page can also be found on the top right hand side of the Town’s homepage at http://newwindsor-ny.gov/). Every effort will also be made to give the public the opportunity to participate in the hearing via videoconference. Instructions on how to participate will be posted before the hearing on the Town’s Facebook page and on the Town’s website, at the web address listed above. Any member of the public that wishes to be heard may email questions or comments, before or during the hearing, to [email protected]. Further comments will also be accepted via this email address for up to 10 days after the close of the March 10, 2021 public hearing. A copy of the proposed Local Law is available at the Town of New Windsor Town Clerk’s Office, 555 Union Avenue, New Windsor, NY and can be found on the homepage of the Town’s website at http://newwindsor-ny.gov/ BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF NEW WINDSOR KELLY ALLEGRA, TOWN CLERK Water Meter Replacement Project On going updates and information on the water meter replacement project can be found here: Water Meter Replacement Project Page Comments are closed.